Thursday, 9 September 2010

Some Learnin' What I Did Today

#1 yes i'm training to be a teacher, yes that is horrifying grammar. I'm just getting in practice to talk to my Norfolk students (and I am allowed to say that cos I'm Norfolk'n'good!)

#2 I made a mission statement today. Or rather it was in Religious Education so I chose a pedagogy. It applies to the teaching of RE but I think I would do well to apply it to my teaching in general. As a teacher I should:

play an important role in preparing pupils for life, through exploration of identity, enabling them to develop respect and sensitivity to others, in particular those with different faiths and beliefs and to combat prejudice and negative discrimination.

Not bad for day 4!

#3 A pretty cool video about TECHNOLOGY! Embrace it folks, or it'll embrace you!

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