Sunday, 5 September 2010

School Tomorrow

I spent today completing my pre-audit maths task for my first day tomorrow. What fun! I really, really do not like maths. Actually, it wasn't too bad. Turns out I did know how to do a lot of it, I just didn't know I knew. I'm going to have to do a lot of cramming before my QTS tests. I feel a long way off from actually being able to impart any mathematical knowledge. Luckily, the children I am training to teach are only up to 9 so I should be ok. I did manage to scrape a maths GCSE 500 years ago. Look forward to some angry posts on this subject I would imagine.
Also finished my 'Magic Bag' or rather Magic Box. The idea is that I introduce myself/a concept/theme/place etc. I have decided on America. It is the one subject (other than movies and Friends) that I know lots and lots about - thank you American Studies degree, you prepared me for nothing but this! I have decorated a shoe box with everything American: money, postcards, sweet wrappers, stickers. Inside are various objects that mean something to me. I have also tried to link them to aspects of the curriculum and tie them all to the topic of America. For example, I have a map of the US with states written on (Geography). I also have magnets of all the states that I have visited (personal). I have a Red Sox hat and a baseball (PE). Photos of family holidays. American money (maths). I'm not 100% on what I am going to have to do when I get the book to uni tomorrow but I hope I have enough knowledge in my head to be able to talk convincingly about my subject. I think so.
Anyway, school tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous but excited about what is to come. I feel a little like I am actually starting primary school instead of learning how to teach it - a little worrying! I have a new bag, new stationary, old clothes - boo! No idea what to wear. I have a notion of myself as a teacher and the clothes in my wardrobe bare no resemblence to this romanticism. They are more like that of a street dance gang or teenage emo. Fabulous! We'll just have to see what happens and hope my fellow students don't judge me too harshly.
Let you know how it goes. Adios.

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