Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Under the sea (of paperwork!)

In the past month or so since I last blogged, I've done my subject tests (and passed!), handed in my first assignment and started my block placement. I wish I could string a few more words together but, it's only been 2 days in and I'm exhausted already! (I won't tell you how many times I've had to go back and correct words at this point!)

This week I am in charge of all things literary. Our topics is whales and I am helping the children write non-fiction reports. And that is about all I can say at the moment...too much other boring stuff like assessment and evaluation to do. Next time I promise I will give you a blow by blow (hole - whale ref duh!) account of some fantastic whale-related activities. Hummmmm... 

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Testing, Testing 1 2 3

So it turns out that there is a LOT of work to do on this PGCE-thingamy! Hence, my lack of communication vis a vis le blog. And here we are about to embark on Week 6 (apparently!) and it's time to test what we have learnt so far...good grief! What I have learnt so far is that I am a thousand years away from knowing anything near the amount I need to, but hey! Bring on the audits! And what better way to revise for them than blogging and watching Date Night?? I don't know about you but concentrating on hundreds of things at once really helps me retain important information. For example, Tina Fey is awesome! Ah, that'll help...


Friday, Friday, Friday! AUDIT DAY! Maths and science for a few hours to warm me up for the weekend. I feel like a GCSE student but you know without the 2 years of learning and weeks of revision before the exams. I am learning things I thought I could forget about after Year 11. Considering that it has always been my plan to be a teacher I really should have kept up with my sums and explorations into the scientific world. Why didn't I? Oh yeah, I'm normal! And I did an American Studies degree. (And as everybody knows the Americans don't do maths...?)

If you fancy having a look at the QTS papers there are examples online - I must warn you, it is not the most entertaining way to spend your evening. But hey, we do it for the kids! Actually, these audits are just for the university's sake (I'm sure the actual Standards tests will be even harder!) - apparently they just enjoy watching us suffer. If I don't pass on Friday then I have other chances to do so. It would really help me out if I could get these tests out of the way though, then it would be one less thing (out of 100) that I have to do. While it seems unlikely, crazier things have happened in my life - that unfortunately I have no time to get into now.

In other news, I have (thanks to my mumma) acquired some new "teacher" clothes that make me look nearly 24 instead of my usual 14. Contrary to popular belief, I do own regular girl clothes (yes that's right a dress) and even girl's shoes (not trainers) - although I think it might take photographic evidence to make some of you believe (Beth!). I am a few steps closer to my ideal 'Lucy as teacher' look - all I need now is the 'Lucy as teacher' brain.

Good things come to those who wait...

Thursday, 16 September 2010

PGCE and me

This week: had lunch at my mum's, watched Mamma Mia, thought how awesome musicals are and how much I want to go to Greece, got up early, got stuck in traffic (a lot!), got to uni on time, got to uni nearly late, got to uni early, sat in 4 lectures, wrote pages of notes, got stuck on division in maths, got my girlfriend to make me maths posters, pretended to be a bird in drama, half finished a suduko, walked to the library everyday to get my campus card, been successful on only 1 day (today!), went to the wrong lecture, went pond dipping in the uni broad, listened to my awesome indie playlist, read lots of maths, made some new friends, found out my placement school, went to see The Runaways, listened to The Runaways on Spotify, read Kenzuke's Kingdom in bed, watched new Inbetweeners, played dinosaur top trumps in science, made a pop-up book, ate 4 bagels, neglected my blog, made dye from different vegetables, wrote some non-fiction, sent a card, got soaked in the rain, impressed my English teacher with my knowledge of children's books, laughed during lectures, laughed in workshops, laughed at lunch, laughed at home, watch friends, laughed some more, thought about becoming a stand-up comedian, tried to think of some jokes, thought I'd stick with being a teacher for now, got malteasers stuck in the machine, made someone buy some more to get mine out, asked questions, got my loan (woo!), drank lots of tea, tried to get to sleep before midnight, failed, took photos, wrote a blog post out of a scene from Marley and Me, basked in my own coolness re: Marley and Me, loved Jennifer, wore 4 different pairs of trainers, sung in my car, got spiderweb in my hair, blogging instead of working...

phew! here are some pictures of my pop-up book...

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Alphabet Aerobics

This post is brought to you by the letter...A! For Alphabet.

First enjoy the brilliance of Blackalicious and then continue on down to my Top Ten alphabet books (eee Top Tenning is my favourite!!!)

1. Lucy and Tom's ABC - Shirley Hughes

Lucy and Tom have helped me through some tough times in my life: abc, 123, starting school, christmas! Beautifully illustarted by Shirley Hughes, this is not just an alphabet book, it's a story and has to be my number one for alphabet books. I can still remember "A is for acrobat, apples and ants...".

2. Letterland - I challenge you to be over 21 and not remember Letterland! You are either my age and learnt you alphabet via Annie Apple and Lucy Lamplady or you are older and taught your 80s babies the wonder of animal/people/ink bottle shaped letters (hi mum!)! Somehow schools manage to teach the alphabet without letterland these days...fools! Have fun and test yourself - best you know them all! Oh, Ticking Tom has changed to Ticking Tess (not enough female prescence in Letterland apparently!)

3. Quentin Blake's ABC - No one draws like Quentin Blake. A favourite of adults and children alike, former Children's Laureate Quentin Blake's ABC is a beautiful and funny, rhyming alphabet book for young children. If I had my way, Blake would illustrate everything. So pretty!
4. ABC UK - James Dunn, Helen Bate. Pretty much does exactly what it says on the tin - an ABC of the UK. Can be used to teach the alphabet or for information on Britain. For slightly older children who will have fun coming up with their own British alphabet and also finding out all the British best bits. From Arthur to Punk, the Queen, Robin Hood, The Beatles and Sherlock Holmes this alphabet book is a real winner! Almost makes you proud to be British!!

5. The Dangerous Alphabet - Neil Gaiman
An alphabet book for older children - great for classroom shelves I imagine. Key Stage 2 children will love looking through the familiar rhyme and discovering the gruesome pictures on each page. Would also be great for lower ability children and just generally kids who love anything scary and strange.

6. Crazy ABC - Judy Hindley, Nick Sharratt

Egg on my elbow, a flea on my knee, crazy’s the word for this ABC!

7. ABC Animal Jamboree - Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz
I initially discovered this author whilst looking for children's books to help me out with a lesson plan for Year One. Full of bright and colourful illustrations, Andreae's books are brilliant fun for first readers and especially great to read out in class. This ABC introduces children to ABC animals, from angel fish to zebras and brings them to life through some easy-to-memorise rhymes.
8. Alphabet Ice Cream - Sue Heap and Nick Sharratt
When I said earlier that I would like Quentin Blake to illustrate my life, I had forgotten about Nick Sharratt. Heap and Sharratt first collaborated in the drawing of Ruby and Garnet in Jaqueline Wilson's "Double Act" (one of my favourites) and they are reunited in this ABC book about two friends called Nick and Sue. Original. ;)

9. ABC Word Book - Richard Scarry
I had a bit of a soft spot for Richard Scarry when I was younger, which is perhaps why this alphabet book makes it into my top 10. Scarry's books aren't as popular in schools these days but I am positive that children will enjoy exploring busy town.
The book is very basic and has colorful text could be just the incentive to keep stimulated, interested and learning.

10. Alphabet Gallery - An ABC of Contemporary Illustrations
This book is a compendium of alphabet illustrations from the best children's illustrators of the day. Chidlren and grown-ups will love pouring over the pictures and will have fun recognising most of the illustrators. Perhaps one for a special occassion instead of on the classroom shelf.
I have added a few links here and here of other more grown up alphabets that I found on my ABC adventure. Feel free to suggest some more - and comment on my selection. Enjoy!

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Some Learnin' What I Did Today

#1 yes i'm training to be a teacher, yes that is horrifying grammar. I'm just getting in practice to talk to my Norfolk students (and I am allowed to say that cos I'm Norfolk'n'good!)

#2 I made a mission statement today. Or rather it was in Religious Education so I chose a pedagogy. It applies to the teaching of RE but I think I would do well to apply it to my teaching in general. As a teacher I should:

play an important role in preparing pupils for life, through exploration of identity, enabling them to develop respect and sensitivity to others, in particular those with different faiths and beliefs and to combat prejudice and negative discrimination.

Not bad for day 4!

#3 A pretty cool video about TECHNOLOGY! Embrace it folks, or it'll embrace you!

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Back to School

I feel like I am back to school. Which I am. But I mean like really back to school. With a timetable, homework diary and lessons all day. Yesterday I had English, Science and Maths. Today was History, Geography and Art. Tomorrow is RE, ICT and English. I can't get enough of English so I am more than happy about that! I'm actually pretty happy with all of it. And everyone on the course is getting into the rhythms of daily life as a trainee teacher i.e. being very tired but furiously jotting everything down just in case it comes up later. I guess this first part is all the knowledge/subject stuff. What we will be teaching. Why we are teaching it etc etc. So far it has been very practical. We did experiments in science (which biscuit is the best dunker!), made a collage representation of words in Art (mine was joy! - which was extremely difficult for a non-arty like myself), played with historical artefacts in History, collected environmental objects from around campus in Geography, looked at children's books in English and we even got to play with blocks and counters in Maths. Now it might all sound fun and games but there is so much to learn. When we have finished our 9-5 day, we come home and do homework. Tonight I learnt about the 4 different ways you can use subtraction...try and work that one out if you can! And made up my own maths questions using the vocabulary associated with these methods. For example, Nick's cake was £3.99. Jen's was £4.95. How much cheaper was Nick's cake than Jen's? This question is an example of the comparison structure of subtraction. Didn't know that did ya???

My brain is so full already!!!!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Sunday, 5 September 2010

School Tomorrow

I spent today completing my pre-audit maths task for my first day tomorrow. What fun! I really, really do not like maths. Actually, it wasn't too bad. Turns out I did know how to do a lot of it, I just didn't know I knew. I'm going to have to do a lot of cramming before my QTS tests. I feel a long way off from actually being able to impart any mathematical knowledge. Luckily, the children I am training to teach are only up to 9 so I should be ok. I did manage to scrape a maths GCSE 500 years ago. Look forward to some angry posts on this subject I would imagine.
Also finished my 'Magic Bag' or rather Magic Box. The idea is that I introduce myself/a concept/theme/place etc. I have decided on America. It is the one subject (other than movies and Friends) that I know lots and lots about - thank you American Studies degree, you prepared me for nothing but this! I have decorated a shoe box with everything American: money, postcards, sweet wrappers, stickers. Inside are various objects that mean something to me. I have also tried to link them to aspects of the curriculum and tie them all to the topic of America. For example, I have a map of the US with states written on (Geography). I also have magnets of all the states that I have visited (personal). I have a Red Sox hat and a baseball (PE). Photos of family holidays. American money (maths). I'm not 100% on what I am going to have to do when I get the book to uni tomorrow but I hope I have enough knowledge in my head to be able to talk convincingly about my subject. I think so.
Anyway, school tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous but excited about what is to come. I feel a little like I am actually starting primary school instead of learning how to teach it - a little worrying! I have a new bag, new stationary, old clothes - boo! No idea what to wear. I have a notion of myself as a teacher and the clothes in my wardrobe bare no resemblence to this romanticism. They are more like that of a street dance gang or teenage emo. Fabulous! We'll just have to see what happens and hope my fellow students don't judge me too harshly.
Let you know how it goes. Adios.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

The Calm Before the Storm

T minus 3 days until I begin what is promised to be one of the most stressful, exhausting and rewarding year of my life. Primary PGCE training! Now don't get me wrong, I'm more than a little bit happy to have somehow made it onto one of the best courses in the country (and even more happy not to be doing a Secondary PGCE!) but also realistic (and pre-warned) about how hard this is going to be. I have wanted to be a teacher since I first started school. I worked through a 5 year degree and a year in a school in a pretty rough area to get here (oh and paralysis but that's neither here nor there). You really have to prove you want it these days!! I think maybe I'm being a little optimistic about the extra time I'm going to have to write this blog but I am hoping to update regularly and chronical the ups and downs of life as a trainee teacher. I am also keeping a record of the children's books I have read and movies I see- along with reviews of as many as I can. Hopefully this blog will provide some incite, interest and humour to those of you who have experience in teaching or those hoping to embark on a similar journey. And those of you who are forced to read this blog because you are my friend - too bad!