Sunday, 10 October 2010

Testing, Testing 1 2 3

So it turns out that there is a LOT of work to do on this PGCE-thingamy! Hence, my lack of communication vis a vis le blog. And here we are about to embark on Week 6 (apparently!) and it's time to test what we have learnt so far...good grief! What I have learnt so far is that I am a thousand years away from knowing anything near the amount I need to, but hey! Bring on the audits! And what better way to revise for them than blogging and watching Date Night?? I don't know about you but concentrating on hundreds of things at once really helps me retain important information. For example, Tina Fey is awesome! Ah, that'll help...


Friday, Friday, Friday! AUDIT DAY! Maths and science for a few hours to warm me up for the weekend. I feel like a GCSE student but you know without the 2 years of learning and weeks of revision before the exams. I am learning things I thought I could forget about after Year 11. Considering that it has always been my plan to be a teacher I really should have kept up with my sums and explorations into the scientific world. Why didn't I? Oh yeah, I'm normal! And I did an American Studies degree. (And as everybody knows the Americans don't do maths...?)

If you fancy having a look at the QTS papers there are examples online - I must warn you, it is not the most entertaining way to spend your evening. But hey, we do it for the kids! Actually, these audits are just for the university's sake (I'm sure the actual Standards tests will be even harder!) - apparently they just enjoy watching us suffer. If I don't pass on Friday then I have other chances to do so. It would really help me out if I could get these tests out of the way though, then it would be one less thing (out of 100) that I have to do. While it seems unlikely, crazier things have happened in my life - that unfortunately I have no time to get into now.

In other news, I have (thanks to my mumma) acquired some new "teacher" clothes that make me look nearly 24 instead of my usual 14. Contrary to popular belief, I do own regular girl clothes (yes that's right a dress) and even girl's shoes (not trainers) - although I think it might take photographic evidence to make some of you believe (Beth!). I am a few steps closer to my ideal 'Lucy as teacher' look - all I need now is the 'Lucy as teacher' brain.

Good things come to those who wait...